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BBC Usher Ministry


To serve as anointed and appointed doorkeepers/servants in the house of the Lord and to ensure that

worshippers feel welcome.

Impact of Ministry

  • To help set the atmosphere during the worship service/experience

  • To be the eyes/ears of the pastor and to be a watchful eye over the “entire service”

  • To greet and seat the worshippers in such a Christian way that they will have a mind to receive and accept God’s Word

  • To maintain reverence and order so as to prevent distractions that would hinder people from receiving God’s Word

  • To stand ready to assist anyone in the congregation who might need help, to aid latecomers in finding a seat, and to inform those in the sanctuary of any urgent matters

  • To assist with offerings and any other things that are distributed to the congregation

  • To usher/serve at all homegoing services, special events and programs


Who To Call

  • Deacon Brent Robertson – (Interim) Usher Ministry Leader

  • Mrs. Saadia Williams – Usher Ministry Assistant Leader

Upcoming or Annual Events

  • None


Times and Date of Meetings

  • The 2nd Monday of each month at 6:30 pm


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